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Intel. Introduction

Intel Corporation, the largest independent semiconductor manufacturer in the United States, was founded in August 1968. It ranks first among semiconductor manufacturers in the world. Its business activities focus on designing and manufacturing advanced large-scale semiconductor integrated circuit components and computer systems that use these components. Since the 1990s, Intel Corporation has shown a trend of accelerated development. Its annual sales, profits and total assets have increased in an all-round way, and the profit growth is faster than the sales growth. It is reasonable to believe that with the popularization of computers and the construction of the information highway, Intel Corporation will have a brighter future. Grove, president of the company, introduced that the company will try its best to push the personal computer onto the information highway. Intel main products include microprocessors, micro information processors and processing boards, and communication products. The company has a good reputation in the United States, which is the result of the company continuous exploration. When the company was still small in the early stage of entrepreneurship, the company leader Noyes and others decided to adopt a practical management style. Their initial practice was to have lunch with employees informally every week to listen to their opinions. Soon after, the company turned to a carefully considered work arrangement, emphasizing openness, making decisions at the lowest level, and paying attention to discipline and problem solving, Employees who go to work after 8:00 every day are required to write down the reason for being late. In addition, the company also strengthened management through three ways to strengthen the survival foundation of the enterprise.

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